The Foreword Festival team had a brilliant weekend at the Primadonna Festival in July! Thanks to everyone who took part in our Primadonna ten-word story challenge – here are our amazing entries!
Our pick of the best:

The house was haunted. There was a scream, then nothing. (Laci, 13)
The haunted house was lonely. Abandoned screams roamed quietly around. (Cienna, 13)
Bang! They were scared. They started running faster and then (Amber, 15)
Life is an ocean. And I am drowning in it. (Violet, 16)
Let’s go to the waterpark. “Wheeee!” That was so fun. (Arlo, 9)
Bob’s lost. If you find him there is no reward. (Immie, 9)
Jimmy’s dad left him. He is sad and very gay. (Chloe, 15)
One day a little hedgehog was exploring the big forest. (Zosia, 6)
They flew to Croatia and they had a good time. (Genie, 7)
Zeus: tyrant of thunder, ruler of rain, sultan of storms. (Nyan, 11)
Love is strange, but also a beautiful thing. How sweet. (Anon., 13)
Boris the pig buys a coffee ice-cream at the beach. (Matilda, 8)
One day I went to a party with my friends. (Lois, 9)
Wind simmered through trees that day. A robin popped out. (Anon.)
They said, “Learn from your mistakes.” She didn’t want to. (Jane Riley)
She didn’t know how to fight, but now she’s ready. (Rivkah)
It’s all relative, perspective. She cringes. He flatters. Society decides. (Anon.)
Breathe deep. Spray salt. Recover; I really wiped out there! (Sam)
The sun heated the toadstool and out popped little Oskip. (David Elmer)
Watching. Waiting. Would they come? Over there. It was time. (Maddy Glenn)
Thunder rumbles, lightning flashes, rain battering. Yet, here is warm. (Edward Cook)
She told him her secret. He cried, then hugged her. (Olive)
A smile ended his world, because it wasn’t for him. (Olive)
I’m never more angry than when told to calm down. (Olive)
The challenge: it brought out the rebel in her. (Sally Hewitt)
Woken by swallows hatching in the roof, I quietly cheep. (Rachael Murphy)
It is said elephants never forget, and neither would she. (Sara Kedge)
I knew that I was ready when I found her. (Sara Kedge)
Electrical equipment tells stories if you listen closely enough. (Sara Kedge)
He had no idea how to come back from this. (Anon.)
Mountaineering hedgehog, risky. When to roll up? Then down, fast! (Kay Julier)
Follow the white rabbit to a world of literary delights. (Nemonee Stone)
Hubert’s taking life slowly. He does not want to leave. (Nemonee Stone)
She climbed the fence and knew she was forever lost. (Elizabeth Jane Lovely)
I don’t think I can tell a story in ten… (Jane)
The sun shone and it rained. A beautiful rainbow appeared. (Kim Ali)
“Monsters don’t live under beds!” “Well what’s that growling then?” (Rebecca Austin)
“Pass the pasta!” Riga Tony cried to the mafia boss. (Barry)
“I’m a man inside hedgehog’s body,” read the note. “Help!” (Barry)
She was petrified but there was bunting. Things felt brighter. (Karen Cannard)
They sleep entwined; each dreams of the other’s wedding tomorrow. (AJ Deane)
“Wipe the dagger,” she said. “Chuck me over a J-cloth.” (Ruth Leigh)
They didn’t want to tell me and that hurt forever. (Jasmine)
He threw his phone from the ferry and was free. (John Barton)
The lady in the sequinned dress. Who knew? We didn’t. (Lynda Brignall)
One squeak, one squawk; the chip was gone. Tourist beat. (Fred Fish)
Silently she waited, watching the breeze lifting leaves, creating dance. (Anon.)
She wanted to know, so she took the first step. (Valda Fisher)
Usually she listened, but today she had much to say. (Sarah Nicholson)
The knocking stopped. Giggles leaked through the door. “Found you!” (Rob Jelly)