Foreword Festival UK

Great news! The Foreword Festival will return in 2025 for another celebration of literature that’s outside the mainstream.

We’re already planning next year’s literary fringe festival, but in the meantime we’ll be running pop-up Foreword Festival events to promote local authors and entertain local readers.

We’re running a Young Adult Book Festival on September 14th!
Book your FREE tickets, check out the guest authors, and sign up for more information.

Join us for Pay It Foreword – the book fair that makes a difference!
Saturday August 31st, Bury St Edmunds Library.
Raising money and awareness for charities and great causes.
Every book makes a difference!

Join our mailing list to have event announcements sent directly to your inbox, and keep an eye on our blog and events pages for more information. Whether you’re an author or a reader (or both) – we’d love to see you at our next event!

We did it! It happened! The first literary fringe festival in the UK has been an adventure, and a fantastic bookish weekend. A huge THANK YOU from your hosts, Jackie Carreira and Rachel Churcher, to all our authors, visitors and supporters. We couldn’t have done it without you! 

Foreword Festival thank you list
Click the image for a larger version!

We invited authors, independent publishers, and speakers from around the UK for a celebration of literature that’s outside the mainstream. We’ve played host to authors of graphic novels, SF and fantasy, comedy, poetry, children’s books, non-fiction and more, as well as offering workshops for writers, and help with getting your work into print.

We held our festival book fair, workshops, author panels and children’s storytelling in the gorgeous Guildhall in Bury St Edmunds – a building with 1000 years of history.

In addition, actors from the QuirkHouse Theatre Company gave FREE live readings of stories from our Fast Foreword flash fiction event on Saturday 7th October, at various venues in Bury St Edmunds.

We’ll be running more literary events in and around Bury St Edmunds – watch this space for news of future events!

Foreword Festival