Fast Foreword

We are thrilled to announce the winning stories for the 2023 Fast Foreword Flash Fiction event!

Fast Foreword

10-10.30am: Moyse’s Hall
Hobbyhorse – Fiona Clark | The Dead Tree – R.E.C. Woods

10.45-11.15am: The Apex (upstairs)
Cinderella’s Legacy – Sarah Nicholson | Reset, Restart – MT McGuire

11.30am-noon: Bury Library
Writer’s Block – Virginia Betts | The Deal – Julia Blake

12.15-12.45pm: Damson & Wilde
Speed Dating – Gabrielle Stones | A Crummy Dilemma – K L Rush

1-1.30pm: Cathedral Cloisters
Mystery Play – Lynn Whitehead | Home – Antony Makora

Congratulations to all the authors featured!

The stories were given live readings at venues across Bury St Edmunds on Saturday 7th October 2023. A special thank you to the actors, AJ Deane and Georgie Matthews, and to everyone who came to hear the readings.

Reading at the Apex
Georgie Matthews reading ‘Cinderella’s Legacy’ at the Apex
Reading at Damson & Wilde
AJ Deane reading ‘A Crummy Dilemma’ at Damson & Wilde
Reading at the Cathedral
Georgie Matthews reading ‘Mystery Play’ in the Cathedral Cloisters

On Friday 8th September 2023, we announced the official Fast Foreword Flash Fiction Shortlist. Congratulations to everyone who entered, and to all the authors featured below – the judges really enjoyed reading all your stories.

Writer’s Block – Virginia Betts
The Deal – Julia Blake
Come Fly With Me – Belinda Rose Bond
Rivers of Our Childhood – Angela Cairns
Hobbyhorse – Fiona Clark
The Cat Who Could Open the Fridge – Viv Dawson
Stones – Doug Grant
The Antique Rogue’s Show – Benjamin Langley
A Spirit’s Progress – Annie Louise
Reset, Restart – M T McGuire
A Nameless Voice – R.I. Maddams
Home – Antony Makora
Checkout – Alexia Muelle-Rushbrook
Cinderella’s Legacy – Sarah Nicholson
The Demise of Cyril – Darren Norton
A Crummy Dilemma – K L Rush
Our Family Routine – F Sea-Borne
Speed Dating – Gabrielle Stones
Mystery Play – Lynn Whitehead
The Dead Tree – R.E.C. Woods

Here’s a sample story while you wait for the final results!